OK, so I absolutely LOVE God's creation, especially His people. (maybe not so much love to the spiders, though.) I've always been a people watcher. People watching is my favorite part of any sporting event, unless my kids are participating in the aforementioned event.
I obviously love my fair husband, my two fair children, and my two brown children. I think people from India are beautiful, as well as brown-skinned Africans, Mexicans, and Native Americans. I also believe people from the Middle East are pulchritudinous.
So, why all the talk about the shades of people's melanin? I think God has placed in me a heart for certain people groups. Show me a picture of a child from the Ukraine and another from Rwanda. Who would I sponsor? Rwanda. Actually, I already do. ;-) I have other friends' whose hearts go out to completely different people groups than mine. It's so cool to me how God places that special love for different people groups in us. It also breaks my heart that there are still people in this world who can't see the beauty in someone that doesn't look like them. I hope my sweet Little I never has to experience those types of people.