*Jesus, who loves me so much He gave His life for me
*Cowboy, who is truly the most amazing man for loving me despite my craziness (please don't ask me to go into my hormone rages, weight gain, anal retentive impulses--oops, I'm telling on myself, aren't I?)
*Miss B, C-Man, & Little I--what would my life be like without these munchkins?
*Dad & Mom, Big Sis, Baby Sis, and my in-laws
*Church Family & Friends
*Sam's Club
*Paper Towels (purchased in bulk at Sam's)
*Day-After-Thanksgiving Shopping with Mom, Big Sis & Baby Sis
*Pull-Ups big enough for 3 1/2 year olds who should be POTTY TRAINED
*Children who are old enough to take pictures of family events, so I don't miss them all
*Family Force 5, TobyMac, Switchfoot, Robert Randolph, Harry Connick, Jr.,
*Homeschooling my munchkins
*Living in the most conservative state in the Union
*Time spent with my grandparents yesterday
*My kids' relationships with their grandparents
*Miss B & C-Man already choosing to follow Christ
*Not being able to birth more children, but still have more :)
*The United States of America
*Narnia books and movies
*Time to bake
*Miss B's swimming talent
*C-Man's musical abilities (I even enjoy his playing the drums)
*Little I's ability to parrot any sound he hears