Monday, December 22, 2008

Not Me Monday

Here are a few things I did NOT do this week. To check out other people's confessions go to

I did not slip up today and call Cowboy's going away party at his work a "Go Away" party.

I did not have thoughts of asking Little Bit's mom if she'd just turn over rights to us so that she doesn't screw up her life.

I did not act clueless today when my grandparents told Miss B that what they remembered of me when I was a kid is that when I was about 8 I sat on a lawn chair on the front porch and bossed my parents and grandparents around while they were all doing hard-core yard work.

I did not forget to mail 2 bills that were due today! YIKES--who would do that?

I did not leave Little I in the same pair of pajamas for 2 straight days! What kind of mom would do that?


TuTu's Bliss said...

Happy Monday!!

Elyse said...

Love your list :) I am not tried of being tired nor am I quite ready for Christmas yet...I need a few more prep days:)