Several years ago some of our good friends shared with us a very easy way that their family helps homeless people. Since then we've tried to do our part. A couple weeks ago while Miss B & I were gone skiing, Cowboy and the boys were out running errands. C-Man was disturbed by the fact that they drove by homeless people and were unprepared. So the boys made a run to Sam's and were ready to offer a bag of hope to homeless people on street corners.
The bags are easy to assemble, easy to keep under the driver's seat of a car, and are always greatly appreciated. In the above picture are the items they purchased to fill this batch of bags. We always include in a brown paper lunch sack (by the looks of this Sam's purchase we'll have paper bags in stock until all our children are grown) a fruit cup, something with some protein (this time it was peanut butter crackers), a bottle of water, a plastic spoon, and sometimes a peppermint. We usually decorate the brown paper sacks with markers and tell the people who receive them that God loves them.
In the last couple weeks we've given out several sacks. It makes our hearts smile to get the sincere thanks from the men and women who receive the sacks. However, I'm now afraid that we've given them the gift of salmonella! YIKES!!! I heard today about a potential recall of peanut butter crackers. I did a little research and discovered that the particular kind of crackers we bought are on the list of items potentially affected. I'm throwing away the remainder of the crackers we haven't given yet and praying we have not made some homeless person sick.
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