1. If your children are playing with a ball you should make sure the ball is not left in the laundry room where the dog sleeps overnight. Otherwise, you'll be left with this
2. When your second child, who is known to get incredibly grumpy when ill, begins yelling at you about ridiculous things, you should wonder, "Hmm...maybe he's not completely over his stomach virus" and not wait for the next round of vomit to convince you of that.
3. Blondes really do have more fun. I know that because my sister (the hair stylist) came over last night and foiled my hair. Have I mentioned it's been WAY too long since I've had my hair colored because I'm too busy trying to keep up with life? Once the color was washed out and my hair was dried, I had an extra skip in my step! Cowboy even commented how silly I was all evening.
4. When you turn up the heat on the stove to get the chili you made warmed for your daughter to fill her tummy before she swims for an hour you should remember to turn down the heat. If you ignore it while your hair is being foiled, there will be no dinner left for anyone because it will have all burned up.
5. If you ever see this in one of your bathrooms
you should definitely take care of it immediately so that it looks like this
and not wait until you hear one of your children hollering for you from the bathroom. Like a good mom I responded, "Oops! I'll go get the toilet paper." Then I was told that there was more to the problem than that. When said child tried to remove the toilet paper holder to reload, the holder itself dropped into the toilet. I told said child to get it out. That, according to the child, was not an option. So I did the only thing a good mom could do, I sacrificed one of these
Cowboy has one less grill tool!
6. When you ask your 3-year old to remove his Pull-Up and replace it with a new one before bedtime, you should really check first to see that he hasn't pooped in it. Otherwise,....seriously, I think you need no further explanation.
7. I read this book
Because I've never really studied art history before, I didn't know much about this man. What an amazing thinker!!! Yes, I realize it's a children's book. DUH!!! Do you think I have time in my life to read adult literature about Da Vinci? Think again, my friend. :)
8. When you make an unwritten rule for your household that 2 loads of laundry need to be done each day to keep up with laundry, you should stick to it!!!
I'm off to learn more!
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