Sometimes the change in our kids happens so gradually that, unless you go away for a few days, you don't seem to notice it.
At other times, though, the change happens so fast that it takes your breath away! That's the kind of change C-Man's had lately.
A couple days ago from the back seat of the van I hear, "Mom, my pits stink."
Being the great mom that I am, I holler back, "We've gone through this before, C-Man. You don't need deodorant yet."
When we arrived home he insisted that I smell of his pits. I did so expecting not to smell anything except that wet puppy dog smell that little boys have after playing outside. WHOA! Was I ever wrong! He had REAL STINK--manly stink! He proudly washed his pits and applied his daddy's deodorant to his pits.
Then, Last night Cowboy calls me to say he and C-Man have left baseball practice and are heading to Wal-Mart. I can't imagine why they would need to go to Wal-Mart so late at night. (I'd already been twice this week--what else could we possibly need?) Cowboy then informs me that C-Man was playing catcher during practice, stood up (without knowing any better) and took a ball to his almost-personal region. Realizing he didn't want C-Man to have a closer call than this, Cowboy decided to take C-Man to buy his first......I can't even write it! He's such a grown boy!!!
SIGH...what's a mom to do when her first boy is wearing deodorant and other items? Thank goodness he still kisses and hugs me!
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