Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Because I've been a foster parent for a few years now, I've had plenty of time in juvenile courtrooms in my state.

LOTS of good people watching! I have seen some hysterical things (people swearing up and down they're not high come back into the courtroom a bit later with a failed test). Some bizarre things (an older gentleman have a seizure, EMT's came in, and the judge continued to hold court). Some things that make me downright angry (parents who are idiots and don't take care of their kids)!

The absolute saddest things I've seen are parents relinquishing their parental rights.

Let me clarify--I was not in court the day that Little I's biological mother (BM, as we refer to her) relinquished her rights. There was nothing sad at all about that to me on that day. I cried tears of pure joy when Cowboy called to give me the news. However, I feel sad for her when I think of her. I pray for her. I worry about her life. I want her to know God and spend eternity with us and live out His purpose for her here on earth.

Back to the sad stuff...

Yesterday I went to court for NoBo's case. His mom, who we love, relinquished her parental rights. I cried with her. It's a happy-sad kind of thing. We're thrilled we'll most likely get to love on NoBo for his whole life, but we're sad for his sweet mom.

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