10 years ago today Cowboy & I woke up Miss B and got her dressed in her red, white, and blue to welcome her baby brother on Flag Day. We got ourselves ready and out the door while it was still dark.
10 years ago today I was hooked up to monitors and such as I began to have my labor induced, for what we had already decided would be our last child. One girl, one boy. Couldn't ask for more.
10 years ago today I was in shock when our nurse, who was a sweet friend from church, said to C-Man while she was checking to see how far my cervix was dilated, "C-Man, that's not funny. Let go of my finger."
10 years ago today I labored all day, then had the doctor tell me that I had 20 minutes to try to push. If nothing happened, C-Man was coming via emergency c-section.
10 years ago today I was operated on for the first time.
10 years ago today C-Man entered this world as a fat, beautiful baby with a very swollen arm, which had been stuck above his head in the birth canal for quite some time. His cord had been wrapped around his neck, which explained the dangerous decelerations his heart rate was having.
10 years ago today, not long after my swollen abdomen was stitched up and I was allowed to go to my private hospital room, I informed Cowboy that we had to do this again.
10 years ago today we were blessed through the birth of our amazing C-Man. He's a breath of fresh air to me!!!
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