Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Missing Miss B Who's in Mission

Miss B (our 13-year old daughter) has been on her mission trip now for 1 1/2 weeks. Only a few more days until we get to pick her up & I can't wait.

She has called and texted periodically, but it's all been abbreviated communication until today.

Today when she called we actually TALKED. We discussed the work that her group is doing, the people that are on her mission team, and about our plans to go to IKEA after we pick her up on Sunday.

I asked her if they had already done VBS with the inner-city kids today and she said that would be this evening.

She said, "We worked with homeless people today. Mom, I love homeless people." (I already knew this because we pray for homeless people when we see them on the street corner & we try to keep water & food in our van to give to them & she has always been concerned for them).

I said, "I know, but you love those VBS kids too, don't you?"

To which she said, "Yeah, mom. I just love people."

WOW!!! It doesn't get much better than that!

I pray that I'm training all my munchkins to love people the way Christ loves us.

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