Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Little Bit Going Home

Little Bit, our precious foster baby, came home with us as a newborn from the hospital in August of 2007. We were told it would be a short placement. WOW!!! It has now been over 17 months. I received the "official" word today that she will be going home on Friday.
Is it going to be hard to take her home? Absolutely! But, then again, almost every day with her in our home has been hard. She's been the most difficult baby we've ever had. My friend gave me a suggestion last night that I think our family will follow through with. She suggested we each right out a prayer for her and pray these prayers over her. Also, another friend said they always baptize their babies before they went to their forever homes. (Her husband is a minister, by the way). Well, we dedicate our children to God when they're young. So I think I'll call my Dad, who's a minister, and have him walk across the street tomorrow to dedicate her little life to the Lord.
Cowboy and I have several concerns for her little life. First of all, he's the only man in her life. She'll be living in a home with a mom and 3 siblings (all from different biological dads), but no Daddy. Secondly, her mom is a single mom who will be raising 4 kids. Thirdly, her mom is a recovered user. Fourthly, although her mom loves her and loves God, she will not have the kind of upbringing that my kids have. :( OK, that's it. I'm not listing anymore because I'm getting a little sad. You get the picture.
Even through the sadness, Friday can't come soon enough for me. I know this sounds harsh, but God has truly guarded my heart. Little Bit makes me cry out to God daily for help and we're really ready for another brown skin boy in our home.
36 more hours.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Jennifer! I know how long you've waited for this day - not in a bad way but in a good way. Praise God that it's finally here! I pray that her mom does a really good job with her and that she will continue to grow and thrive as she has with you. :)

Anonymous said... what's wrong with a white skin boy???

Dianne said...

Our family will be praying for your family this week as you make the transition to daily life without her. Will also pray for birth mom as she adjusts too. Will miss her on Tuesdays!!! Love ya!

Jenn said...

In response to "Anonymous":
Nothing at all is wrong with a white skin boy. I'm married to one and am raising one. However, if you understood my heart you would know that my heart goes out to children of darker skin. (Check out my very first post). Also, because our Little I looks so strikingly different from the rest of our family, we'd like another child that doesn't look like us so that he doesn't feel like an outsider in his own family. Good question, though.