Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It's been ages since I've done a Thankful Thursday post. It's not that I haven't been thankful. It's that I've been overwhelmed!!! random order (because my life is full of random order)...this week I am thankful for...

1. My crockpot. She has served me well everyday this week. (Monday=beans, Tuesday=baked potatoes, Wednesday=pork chops, today=chicken for tacos)

2. Lost things found. Specifically, C-Man's math book found last night. We haven't even started on math this school year because we couldn't find it. Lucky kid, he's doing math today!

3. A confirmed mission trip to Uganda over Spring Break for me. I will be sharing Christ's love with some beautiful orphans.

4. The life of George Mueller. WOW! Everywhere I turn his story is there. What an amazing example of truly relying on God for EVERYTHING!

5. LOTS of laundry detergent purchased with coupons for very little out-of-pocket! I'm guessing it will be Christmas or so before I need more laundry detergent.

6. Wonderful students in my classes for this school year.

7. The anticipation of having Cowboy to myself in 2 weeks! No children, just us. In Washington, DC. CANNOT wait!

8. Cowboy never being a babysitter. I heard on a talk radio show the other day how some moms say, "My husband is babysitting the kids tonight." Wow!!! What a foreign thought to me. I'm so grateful that we are a partnership in this whole parenting thing.

9. God's mercy as he cleans out the crud in my life and I become more aware of my need to completely rely on Him.

10. The adoption that is in the works for some of our dear friends. This will mean when we get together for 4th of July & New Year's Eve, we won't have the youngest kids by far. (Nor will we be the only family that is colorful).

Counting my blessings today,

1 comment:

Mrs. Troop said...

Great list! GM has been such an example to me, as well. Need to pull out those books and re-read! Blessings on your week!