Here's my list of things i'm thankful for this week in random order, because my life is full of random order:
1. The Godly company that employs Cowboy. The owners are SUCH an amazing family! Their goal is for the company to be more successful so that they can give more money away to promote the Kingdom of God worldwide.
2. Our family's homeschool co-op. I've said this so many times, but we are so blessed to be a part of this group of families.
3. The time our family has been spending in God's Word as we celebrate the Advent season. We're doing the Christmas reading plan from youversion. Each day has been challenging and has made us think outside of ourselves.
4. My friends. I'm at a point in life where I have a few different small circles of friends. Each circle of friends is encouraging and fun and I'm SO grateful!
5. NoBo eating corn for the first time this past week! Each new food is SO exciting!
6. An opportunity this week to help a neighbor in need.
7. Laundry! I'm choosing to be thankful today that I have a wonderful husband & 4 kids who are healthy enough to get out each day & dirty some clothes! I'm also thankful for the provision from God of these clothes.
8. Christmas shopping that is hopefully near finished.
9. Little I enjoying all the Christmas books I've been reading to him.
10. C-Man giving SACRIFICIALLY to a family in need. (One of those moments that made me cry when he said how much of his own money he was willing to give away).
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Great Things He Has Done
Last fall during a Bible Study I was convicted about journaling. One of the reasons it's important for me to journal is that I have NO memory!
Lately I have FLOPPED at journaling! Sometimes blogging is my version of journaling and clearly I haven't done much of that lately.
So today I'm journaling an answered prayer.
For years now Cowboy & I have been praying together for a specific physical healing in one of our kids. This child has been in tears many times over this situation. We've been in tears for this child. Without going into detail, let me just assure you that it's been a long, hard struggle!
God has healed this child! There's been no symptom of this ailment for over 2 weeks now! As parents, we've each spoken to our child and reminded this child that this healing has come from God alone.
Lately I have FLOPPED at journaling! Sometimes blogging is my version of journaling and clearly I haven't done much of that lately.
So today I'm journaling an answered prayer.
For years now Cowboy & I have been praying together for a specific physical healing in one of our kids. This child has been in tears many times over this situation. We've been in tears for this child. Without going into detail, let me just assure you that it's been a long, hard struggle!
God has healed this child! There's been no symptom of this ailment for over 2 weeks now! As parents, we've each spoken to our child and reminded this child that this healing has come from God alone.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
You Nork
I just told Little I that he needs lotion on his skin a few times each day because he has brown skin. I explained that his older brother and sister don't need lotion on their skin because they're vanilla.
He said, "Yeah. They're not chocolate anymore."
I tried to explain that they never were chocolate. They've always been vanilla because they were born from my tummy and I'm vanilla. I reminded him that he came from another lady's tummy.
He said the reason they're vanilla is because they're from You Nork.
There's a peak into a 5-year old's mind as to how we learn race. It really means NOTHING!!!
He said, "Yeah. They're not chocolate anymore."
I tried to explain that they never were chocolate. They've always been vanilla because they were born from my tummy and I'm vanilla. I reminded him that he came from another lady's tummy.
He said the reason they're vanilla is because they're from You Nork.
There's a peak into a 5-year old's mind as to how we learn race. It really means NOTHING!!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thankful Thursday
I have been so busy with all my blessings that I have failed to do a Thankful Thursday post recently.
Today I'm thankful for...
1. NoBo turning 3 today!!! We praise God for his sweet little life. We're totally blessed that God chose us to be his family. He's learning more every single day.
2. My munchkins' ability to learn God's Word.
3. Miss B's ability to sign. This is her third year to take sign language at our homeschool co-op & we are totally impressed by all she knows. Last night Cowboy played song after song for her to sign. SO much fun!!!
4. Laughter!!! In the midst of having sick kids in the house, laughter is GOOD medicine.
5. The first quarter of the school year finished & the kids did well.
6. Our washer & dryer. And dishwasher. And other modern appliances in our home. They make my life so much simpler.
7. My foster parent support group.
8. Awesome students this year!!!
9. Bunco. Need I say more?
10. Dinner out with Cowboy & only 1 child this week. What a great time to talk and reconnect in the middle of the week. This hardly ever happens and it was such a treat!
Today I'm thankful for...
1. NoBo turning 3 today!!! We praise God for his sweet little life. We're totally blessed that God chose us to be his family. He's learning more every single day.
2. My munchkins' ability to learn God's Word.
3. Miss B's ability to sign. This is her third year to take sign language at our homeschool co-op & we are totally impressed by all she knows. Last night Cowboy played song after song for her to sign. SO much fun!!!
4. Laughter!!! In the midst of having sick kids in the house, laughter is GOOD medicine.
5. The first quarter of the school year finished & the kids did well.
6. Our washer & dryer. And dishwasher. And other modern appliances in our home. They make my life so much simpler.
7. My foster parent support group.
8. Awesome students this year!!!
9. Bunco. Need I say more?
10. Dinner out with Cowboy & only 1 child this week. What a great time to talk and reconnect in the middle of the week. This hardly ever happens and it was such a treat!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Today NoBo did something AMAZING!
After visiting a child psychologist weekly for several months for his food aversions, being diagnosed with failure-to-thrive, working with different specialists to help introduce new foods to him, today he ATE A GRAPE!!! (Actually, he ate 3.)
What a HUGE praise to God on the day before he turns 3!!!
I wanted SO badly to take a picture, but when he actually eats foods we want him to we can't change anything about the environment in our home at that very moment. So...I sat here beside him quietly rejoicing over reaching this milestone.
After visiting a child psychologist weekly for several months for his food aversions, being diagnosed with failure-to-thrive, working with different specialists to help introduce new foods to him, today he ATE A GRAPE!!! (Actually, he ate 3.)
What a HUGE praise to God on the day before he turns 3!!!
I wanted SO badly to take a picture, but when he actually eats foods we want him to we can't change anything about the environment in our home at that very moment. So...I sat here beside him quietly rejoicing over reaching this milestone.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Our House
Yesterday in one of Little I's classes at our homeschool co-op, he and his friends were making pictures of their houses. Then, the sweet teacher wrote down what the children said about the things that go on in their houses.
Here's what Little I said:
I like to play games at my house. I like to play with my brother and sister. I love them. I like to play with NoBo. My mom and dad like to go into their room and play. I also like to play by myself. I also like to eat candy.
Hopefully you got a good laugh out of that. I know I did.
Here's what Little I said:
I like to play games at my house. I like to play with my brother and sister. I love them. I like to play with NoBo. My mom and dad like to go into their room and play. I also like to play by myself. I also like to eat candy.
Hopefully you got a good laugh out of that. I know I did.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Creativity Required
Clearly there are challenges in parenting a child with developmental delays. Our most recent challenge has taken a lot of creativity on our part to overcome.
Although NoBo is almost 3, developmentally is about 15 months old. Because we are unable to reason with him at this point, keeping him in bed has become quite a chore.
He started climbing out of his crib, so we put him in the Pack 'n Play, because he couldn't climb out of it. Because his adoption is not complete yet, he is still in the custody of DHS, who doesn't approve of a child sleeping in a Pack 'n Play.
So, we borrowed a crib tent from a friend. It worked great for a time, then he put a hole in the netting. I sewed the netting back together, but then he just spent his time in bed trying to put the hole back in it.
So...back to the Pack 'n Play, until I walked in on morning #3 to catch him as he was diving, head-first, out of it. The only thing we could think to do was to cover his Pack 'n Play with the crib mattress. It worked, but Cowboy was a nervous wreck about NoBo somehow having the strength to move the mattress so that it would fall on him.
After much thought, my sweet husband came up with this

I sewed a piece of fabric to fit nicely over the top of the crib. Then, I sewed button holes all around the outside of it. Next, I attached velcro to ribbons. Finally, I put the ribbons through the button holes and looped them around the slats of the crib.
What's so great about it?
1. NoBo would have to remove 6-7 consecutive ribbons in order to free himself from his crib.
2. NoBo can't stand in his crib, which has actually helped him go to sleep faster.
3. The video monitor can get a much better shot of him than it could with the netting from the crib tent.
4. The crib nicely fits under Little I's top bunk. Eventually, when he's developmentally ready for a big bed, we will remove the crib and place the bottom bunk there again.
Although NoBo is almost 3, developmentally is about 15 months old. Because we are unable to reason with him at this point, keeping him in bed has become quite a chore.
He started climbing out of his crib, so we put him in the Pack 'n Play, because he couldn't climb out of it. Because his adoption is not complete yet, he is still in the custody of DHS, who doesn't approve of a child sleeping in a Pack 'n Play.
So, we borrowed a crib tent from a friend. It worked great for a time, then he put a hole in the netting. I sewed the netting back together, but then he just spent his time in bed trying to put the hole back in it.
So...back to the Pack 'n Play, until I walked in on morning #3 to catch him as he was diving, head-first, out of it. The only thing we could think to do was to cover his Pack 'n Play with the crib mattress. It worked, but Cowboy was a nervous wreck about NoBo somehow having the strength to move the mattress so that it would fall on him.
After much thought, my sweet husband came up with this
I sewed a piece of fabric to fit nicely over the top of the crib. Then, I sewed button holes all around the outside of it. Next, I attached velcro to ribbons. Finally, I put the ribbons through the button holes and looped them around the slats of the crib.
What's so great about it?
1. NoBo would have to remove 6-7 consecutive ribbons in order to free himself from his crib.
2. NoBo can't stand in his crib, which has actually helped him go to sleep faster.
3. The video monitor can get a much better shot of him than it could with the netting from the crib tent.
4. The crib nicely fits under Little I's top bunk. Eventually, when he's developmentally ready for a big bed, we will remove the crib and place the bottom bunk there again.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thankful Thursday
It's been ages since I've done a Thankful Thursday post. It's not that I haven't been thankful. It's that I've been overwhelmed!!! random order (because my life is full of random order)...this week I am thankful for...
1. My crockpot. She has served me well everyday this week. (Monday=beans, Tuesday=baked potatoes, Wednesday=pork chops, today=chicken for tacos)
2. Lost things found. Specifically, C-Man's math book found last night. We haven't even started on math this school year because we couldn't find it. Lucky kid, he's doing math today!
3. A confirmed mission trip to Uganda over Spring Break for me. I will be sharing Christ's love with some beautiful orphans.
4. The life of George Mueller. WOW! Everywhere I turn his story is there. What an amazing example of truly relying on God for EVERYTHING!
5. LOTS of laundry detergent purchased with coupons for very little out-of-pocket! I'm guessing it will be Christmas or so before I need more laundry detergent.
6. Wonderful students in my classes for this school year.
7. The anticipation of having Cowboy to myself in 2 weeks! No children, just us. In Washington, DC. CANNOT wait!
8. Cowboy never being a babysitter. I heard on a talk radio show the other day how some moms say, "My husband is babysitting the kids tonight." Wow!!! What a foreign thought to me. I'm so grateful that we are a partnership in this whole parenting thing.
9. God's mercy as he cleans out the crud in my life and I become more aware of my need to completely rely on Him.
10. The adoption that is in the works for some of our dear friends. This will mean when we get together for 4th of July & New Year's Eve, we won't have the youngest kids by far. (Nor will we be the only family that is colorful).
Counting my blessings today,
1. My crockpot. She has served me well everyday this week. (Monday=beans, Tuesday=baked potatoes, Wednesday=pork chops, today=chicken for tacos)
2. Lost things found. Specifically, C-Man's math book found last night. We haven't even started on math this school year because we couldn't find it. Lucky kid, he's doing math today!
3. A confirmed mission trip to Uganda over Spring Break for me. I will be sharing Christ's love with some beautiful orphans.
4. The life of George Mueller. WOW! Everywhere I turn his story is there. What an amazing example of truly relying on God for EVERYTHING!
5. LOTS of laundry detergent purchased with coupons for very little out-of-pocket! I'm guessing it will be Christmas or so before I need more laundry detergent.
6. Wonderful students in my classes for this school year.
7. The anticipation of having Cowboy to myself in 2 weeks! No children, just us. In Washington, DC. CANNOT wait!
8. Cowboy never being a babysitter. I heard on a talk radio show the other day how some moms say, "My husband is babysitting the kids tonight." Wow!!! What a foreign thought to me. I'm so grateful that we are a partnership in this whole parenting thing.
9. God's mercy as he cleans out the crud in my life and I become more aware of my need to completely rely on Him.
10. The adoption that is in the works for some of our dear friends. This will mean when we get together for 4th of July & New Year's Eve, we won't have the youngest kids by far. (Nor will we be the only family that is colorful).
Counting my blessings today,
Monday, August 30, 2010
I Failed 4 Times
I decided that 4 kids was PLENTY for me. I decided that if DHS called with a child, I would tell them our home is full (I've actually already done that before). I decided that my quiver is full (see Psalm 127:3-5 if you don't understand that).
Then I began not only to read Radical by David Platt, but I began to go through a Radical study with Cowboy & 3 other couples.
During the first week of our study, God very plainly spoke to my heart about my decision that our family was complete. He let me know that He alone would decide when He was finished adding blessings to mine & Cowboy's life.
So, I have been teasing Cowboy that after I go to Uganda this next year, I'm sure God will call us to adopt from Africa. I really have not heard that from God, but it's fun to tease.
Then, during the next week of our study, I began to feel YUCK! I started thinking back to the last time that I knew for sure I wasn't pregnant. In the busy-ness (& infertileness that has been our lives over the last several years), I hadn't a clue when that was.
A couple days later Cowboy brought home a gift for me, a pregnancy test. Failed. Because I had failed pregnancy tests with both of my previous pregnancies, we weren't putting a lot of stock into those results.
So after a few more days, I bought a double-pack of pregnancy tests. I took one. Failed.
Then I decided I was SICK of not knowing for sure. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor. The morning of the appointment Cowboy suggested I go ahead and use up the last test. Failed.
I told the doctor of my concerns. Had blood drawn. Got a call the next day. Failed. I have failed 4 times & still have no idea what is up with my body.
The great thing here is that I don't feel like I've failed. I still get to go to Africa next year. I still get to go skiing in February with Cowboy, the munchkins, and some dear friends.
I don't, however, get the joy of having a brand new, sweet baby next spring to love on and take care of. Or do I? Maybe DHS will call and God will tell us to say yes. Maybe He won't. Maybe we'll eventually adopt from Africa. Maybe we won't.
Hopefully, though, we'll listen and choose to be in the center of God's will.
Can't think of anywhere in life I'd rather be than that.
Then I began not only to read Radical by David Platt, but I began to go through a Radical study with Cowboy & 3 other couples.
During the first week of our study, God very plainly spoke to my heart about my decision that our family was complete. He let me know that He alone would decide when He was finished adding blessings to mine & Cowboy's life.
So, I have been teasing Cowboy that after I go to Uganda this next year, I'm sure God will call us to adopt from Africa. I really have not heard that from God, but it's fun to tease.
Then, during the next week of our study, I began to feel YUCK! I started thinking back to the last time that I knew for sure I wasn't pregnant. In the busy-ness (& infertileness that has been our lives over the last several years), I hadn't a clue when that was.
A couple days later Cowboy brought home a gift for me, a pregnancy test. Failed. Because I had failed pregnancy tests with both of my previous pregnancies, we weren't putting a lot of stock into those results.
So after a few more days, I bought a double-pack of pregnancy tests. I took one. Failed.
Then I decided I was SICK of not knowing for sure. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor. The morning of the appointment Cowboy suggested I go ahead and use up the last test. Failed.
I told the doctor of my concerns. Had blood drawn. Got a call the next day. Failed. I have failed 4 times & still have no idea what is up with my body.
The great thing here is that I don't feel like I've failed. I still get to go to Africa next year. I still get to go skiing in February with Cowboy, the munchkins, and some dear friends.
I don't, however, get the joy of having a brand new, sweet baby next spring to love on and take care of. Or do I? Maybe DHS will call and God will tell us to say yes. Maybe He won't. Maybe we'll eventually adopt from Africa. Maybe we won't.
Hopefully, though, we'll listen and choose to be in the center of God's will.
Can't think of anywhere in life I'd rather be than that.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Our Homeschooled Munchkins are SO Deprived!
We picked up Miss B yesterday & are currently hanging out in the Dallas area for a couple days as a family before heading back home and into the busy-ness of life.
SO many things have amazed us about how she handled herself without us near. Some great friendships were formed with the other people on her team. She had a great time reaching out to homeless people and innercity kids.
However, the part that sticks out the most in my mind is this...
We were leaving the YWAM (Youth With a Mission) ranch and saw an old school bus driving to the area that we just left. Cowboy & I suggested that it was probably heading to pick up a youth group that was part of Miss B's team.
At this point she blurted out, "I got to ride a school bus! I was SO excited! Everyone said, 'Uck! We have to ride on a school bus?' And I was like, 'Sweet! I get to ride a school bus! How cool!"
That's what happens when you send your 13-year old homeschooled daughter on a mission trip...She finally gets to ride a school bus & is excited about it!
SO many things have amazed us about how she handled herself without us near. Some great friendships were formed with the other people on her team. She had a great time reaching out to homeless people and innercity kids.
However, the part that sticks out the most in my mind is this...
We were leaving the YWAM (Youth With a Mission) ranch and saw an old school bus driving to the area that we just left. Cowboy & I suggested that it was probably heading to pick up a youth group that was part of Miss B's team.
At this point she blurted out, "I got to ride a school bus! I was SO excited! Everyone said, 'Uck! We have to ride on a school bus?' And I was like, 'Sweet! I get to ride a school bus! How cool!"
That's what happens when you send your 13-year old homeschooled daughter on a mission trip...She finally gets to ride a school bus & is excited about it!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thankful Thursday
This week I am thankful for...
1. An end in sight to the rearrangement of our munchkins' furniture and painting their bedrooms.
2. Less stuff in our home...declutter, declutter, declutter!
3. A trip with Cowboy that is now booked to Washington, DC in September. I can't wait for four nights with NO munchkins. I've never been to DC and am excited to indulge the nerdy side of myself. Did I mention the fact that I'll have uninterrupted time with Cowboy on the flights there & back? CAN'T wait!
4. The conversations that my friend Supersize (because of her supersized family & heart) and I are having as we figure out where in Africa God wants us to go next year. SO many kids that need God's love!
5. My father-in-law's retirement! He put in his last day of work yesterday and we're all going to go celebrate with him this evening.
6. Progress in NoBo's development. In the last several weeks he has said Mama, Nana, and many other things. He's bringing a baby doll to us for us to kiss on a regular basis. He's wanting to hug often. He's saying, "woof, woof" when he sees pictures of dogs. He FINALLY weighs 20 pounds!!! He brought me lotion today to massage him. AMAZING things are happening in his little body and I'm very grateful to God for progress.
7. Communication with Miss B while she's away on her first big mission trip. I can't wait to see her pretty face & hug the breath out of her!!!
8. 2 sweet boys in Rwanda that C-Man and Little I are sponsoring from Compassion International. Their pictures arrived yesterday and today and are framed in their bedrooms. 2 sweet boys in my home are thrilled to get to pray for these guys on the other side of the world. There's talk from our kids that we someday need to take a family trip to Rwanda to meet all 3 kids we have there. Can't imagine how that could ever happen, but I love that they're thinking like this.
1. An end in sight to the rearrangement of our munchkins' furniture and painting their bedrooms.
2. Less stuff in our home...declutter, declutter, declutter!
3. A trip with Cowboy that is now booked to Washington, DC in September. I can't wait for four nights with NO munchkins. I've never been to DC and am excited to indulge the nerdy side of myself. Did I mention the fact that I'll have uninterrupted time with Cowboy on the flights there & back? CAN'T wait!
4. The conversations that my friend Supersize (because of her supersized family & heart) and I are having as we figure out where in Africa God wants us to go next year. SO many kids that need God's love!
5. My father-in-law's retirement! He put in his last day of work yesterday and we're all going to go celebrate with him this evening.
6. Progress in NoBo's development. In the last several weeks he has said Mama, Nana, and many other things. He's bringing a baby doll to us for us to kiss on a regular basis. He's wanting to hug often. He's saying, "woof, woof" when he sees pictures of dogs. He FINALLY weighs 20 pounds!!! He brought me lotion today to massage him. AMAZING things are happening in his little body and I'm very grateful to God for progress.
7. Communication with Miss B while she's away on her first big mission trip. I can't wait to see her pretty face & hug the breath out of her!!!
8. 2 sweet boys in Rwanda that C-Man and Little I are sponsoring from Compassion International. Their pictures arrived yesterday and today and are framed in their bedrooms. 2 sweet boys in my home are thrilled to get to pray for these guys on the other side of the world. There's talk from our kids that we someday need to take a family trip to Rwanda to meet all 3 kids we have there. Can't imagine how that could ever happen, but I love that they're thinking like this.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Missing Miss B Who's in Mission
Miss B (our 13-year old daughter) has been on her mission trip now for 1 1/2 weeks. Only a few more days until we get to pick her up & I can't wait.
She has called and texted periodically, but it's all been abbreviated communication until today.
Today when she called we actually TALKED. We discussed the work that her group is doing, the people that are on her mission team, and about our plans to go to IKEA after we pick her up on Sunday.
I asked her if they had already done VBS with the inner-city kids today and she said that would be this evening.
She said, "We worked with homeless people today. Mom, I love homeless people." (I already knew this because we pray for homeless people when we see them on the street corner & we try to keep water & food in our van to give to them & she has always been concerned for them).
I said, "I know, but you love those VBS kids too, don't you?"
To which she said, "Yeah, mom. I just love people."
WOW!!! It doesn't get much better than that!
I pray that I'm training all my munchkins to love people the way Christ loves us.
She has called and texted periodically, but it's all been abbreviated communication until today.
Today when she called we actually TALKED. We discussed the work that her group is doing, the people that are on her mission team, and about our plans to go to IKEA after we pick her up on Sunday.
I asked her if they had already done VBS with the inner-city kids today and she said that would be this evening.
She said, "We worked with homeless people today. Mom, I love homeless people." (I already knew this because we pray for homeless people when we see them on the street corner & we try to keep water & food in our van to give to them & she has always been concerned for them).
I said, "I know, but you love those VBS kids too, don't you?"
To which she said, "Yeah, mom. I just love people."
WOW!!! It doesn't get much better than that!
I pray that I'm training all my munchkins to love people the way Christ loves us.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
He Keeps Me in Stitches
Today C-Man & Cowboy were wrestling around when Cowboy noticed something on C-Man's toenail. He said, "What's on your toenail?"
C-Man said, "It's a crack and it's been there as long as I can remember."
To which Cowboy replied,
"It's better to have a crack in your toenail than a toenail in your crack."
Laughter is such a beautiful thing!!!
C-Man said, "It's a crack and it's been there as long as I can remember."
To which Cowboy replied,
"It's better to have a crack in your toenail than a toenail in your crack."
Laughter is such a beautiful thing!!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Thankful Thursday
This week I am thankful for...
1. A stranger (a black man in his 50's) in the parking lot of the library who called out loudly to me, "Are those your children?" I answered, "Yes, sir." He went on to tell me what a marvelous thing adoption was & that I should never listen to people of his ethnicity who say these children are missing out on their culture by being adopted by white parents. He said, "culture is how you're loved and that's all that matters." What sweet words of affirmation from a complete stranger!
2. Miss B and Cowboy are home after having a great time at church camp.
3. The opportunity to take 4 middle school girls from our homeschool group to our local food bank to volunteer. We worked with other volunteers today to organize and box 10,179 pounds of food to be distributed throughout our state to people who are hungry.
4. Tonight! I can hardly wait! I get to go work with some other ladies to prepare for the school year for our homeschool group. We're going to the home of Miss Musicality (my sister) & the 5 of us will get to talk, eat, plan, talk, eat, work, giggle, talk, and sleep a little. There are still some details that we need God to iron out for the year and we can't wait for Him to show up tonight & reveal those details to us!!!
5. New springs on the garage door. Although it did cost money to replace them, thanks to my couponing we were fairly stocked around here and I didn't have to make many more purchases for this week.
6. The Crockpot. I love the smell of the house when I've planned ahead and put a roast in it for the day. And we all love the taste of a yummy dinner.
7. Camp laundry being caught up. All the gross lake clothes are clean.
8. My marriage. I know several people right now whose marriages are struggling and I'm grateful for a Godly husband who adores me.
9. Family being so close to us.
1. A stranger (a black man in his 50's) in the parking lot of the library who called out loudly to me, "Are those your children?" I answered, "Yes, sir." He went on to tell me what a marvelous thing adoption was & that I should never listen to people of his ethnicity who say these children are missing out on their culture by being adopted by white parents. He said, "culture is how you're loved and that's all that matters." What sweet words of affirmation from a complete stranger!
2. Miss B and Cowboy are home after having a great time at church camp.
3. The opportunity to take 4 middle school girls from our homeschool group to our local food bank to volunteer. We worked with other volunteers today to organize and box 10,179 pounds of food to be distributed throughout our state to people who are hungry.
4. Tonight! I can hardly wait! I get to go work with some other ladies to prepare for the school year for our homeschool group. We're going to the home of Miss Musicality (my sister) & the 5 of us will get to talk, eat, plan, talk, eat, work, giggle, talk, and sleep a little. There are still some details that we need God to iron out for the year and we can't wait for Him to show up tonight & reveal those details to us!!!
5. New springs on the garage door. Although it did cost money to replace them, thanks to my couponing we were fairly stocked around here and I didn't have to make many more purchases for this week.
6. The Crockpot. I love the smell of the house when I've planned ahead and put a roast in it for the day. And we all love the taste of a yummy dinner.
7. Camp laundry being caught up. All the gross lake clothes are clean.
8. My marriage. I know several people right now whose marriages are struggling and I'm grateful for a Godly husband who adores me.
9. Family being so close to us.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Kinder, Gentler
Cowboy and I marvel at the kinder, gentler side of our sweet C-Man. Yes, his 10-year old voice is getting deeper by the day. Yes, we see peach fuzz above his upper lip. Yes, he STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN when he forgets his deodorant. Yes, he gets annoyed with his siblings and lets it show.

However, he has a very special bond with NoBo. He is tender and gentle in a way that many would think not possible for a pre-adolescent kid. We know he is going to be such an amazing dad some day. Until then, we're just grateful for the wonderful brother that he is.

However, he has a very special bond with NoBo. He is tender and gentle in a way that many would think not possible for a pre-adolescent kid. We know he is going to be such an amazing dad some day. Until then, we're just grateful for the wonderful brother that he is.

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thankful Thursday
This week I am thankful for:
1. Cowboy's Dad. After a major scare on the golf course yesterday, he is fine. Apparently he was dehydrated to the point of almost having a heat stroke. He's staying cool and resting for a few days. (I think I'm going to start saying stupid things like, "Stay cool," or, "Cool your jets".)
2. My mom's sight. She went to the optometrist this week & he discovered that she has one more major problem with her eyes. However, she is getting a new prescription that will help her tremendously and there's a plan to help her keep her sight!
3. SO many wonderful kids that came to our church this week for Sports Camp. I can't wait to get to know more of them better on Sunday morning when I work with the kiddos at church. Over 1/3 of the kids who came to Sports Camp this week came on church vans. AMAZING opportunities to minister to the families of these awesome kids!
4. My home being unharmed by the flooding that happened in our metro area this week.
5. My 3 biggest kids' birthdays being over for the year! It was a fun few weeks of celebrating & I'm grateful to not have another party to plan until October.
6. A wonderful Child Development Specialist who's worked with NoBo the whole time he's been in our family. She's moving & we'll miss her, but we're excited for the wealth of knowledge the new CDS will offer us.
7. Miss B & Cowboy leaving for church camp tomorrow. I LOVE what God does in our lives when we separate ourselves from our normal daily lives to be with Him. I can't wait to hear stories of what God does while they're gone.
8. New tires being put on the van tomorrow. I am grateful that Cowboy has taken care of all the details for me.
9. Sleeping in a couple days ago. It was ridiculously late when I finally rolled out of bed. It was wonderful to get to be so lazy!!!
1. Cowboy's Dad. After a major scare on the golf course yesterday, he is fine. Apparently he was dehydrated to the point of almost having a heat stroke. He's staying cool and resting for a few days. (I think I'm going to start saying stupid things like, "Stay cool," or, "Cool your jets".)
2. My mom's sight. She went to the optometrist this week & he discovered that she has one more major problem with her eyes. However, she is getting a new prescription that will help her tremendously and there's a plan to help her keep her sight!
3. SO many wonderful kids that came to our church this week for Sports Camp. I can't wait to get to know more of them better on Sunday morning when I work with the kiddos at church. Over 1/3 of the kids who came to Sports Camp this week came on church vans. AMAZING opportunities to minister to the families of these awesome kids!
4. My home being unharmed by the flooding that happened in our metro area this week.
5. My 3 biggest kids' birthdays being over for the year! It was a fun few weeks of celebrating & I'm grateful to not have another party to plan until October.
6. A wonderful Child Development Specialist who's worked with NoBo the whole time he's been in our family. She's moving & we'll miss her, but we're excited for the wealth of knowledge the new CDS will offer us.
7. Miss B & Cowboy leaving for church camp tomorrow. I LOVE what God does in our lives when we separate ourselves from our normal daily lives to be with Him. I can't wait to hear stories of what God does while they're gone.
8. New tires being put on the van tomorrow. I am grateful that Cowboy has taken care of all the details for me.
9. Sleeping in a couple days ago. It was ridiculously late when I finally rolled out of bed. It was wonderful to get to be so lazy!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Ten Years Ago Today

10 years ago today Cowboy & I woke up Miss B and got her dressed in her red, white, and blue to welcome her baby brother on Flag Day. We got ourselves ready and out the door while it was still dark.
10 years ago today I was hooked up to monitors and such as I began to have my labor induced, for what we had already decided would be our last child. One girl, one boy. Couldn't ask for more.
10 years ago today I was in shock when our nurse, who was a sweet friend from church, said to C-Man while she was checking to see how far my cervix was dilated, "C-Man, that's not funny. Let go of my finger."
10 years ago today I labored all day, then had the doctor tell me that I had 20 minutes to try to push. If nothing happened, C-Man was coming via emergency c-section.
10 years ago today I was operated on for the first time.
10 years ago today C-Man entered this world as a fat, beautiful baby with a very swollen arm, which had been stuck above his head in the birth canal for quite some time. His cord had been wrapped around his neck, which explained the dangerous decelerations his heart rate was having.
10 years ago today, not long after my swollen abdomen was stitched up and I was allowed to go to my private hospital room, I informed Cowboy that we had to do this again.
10 years ago today we were blessed through the birth of our amazing C-Man. He's a breath of fresh air to me!!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Five Years Ago
5 years ago God & I had already convinced Cowboy that we needed a third child, but nothing was happening. We were beginning fertility testing.
5 years ago God had a plan for us that we knew nothing about.
5 years ago I was thrilled to be welcoming very soon a new niece and nephew. In vitro miracles!!!
5 years ago God was opening the womb of Baby Sister, who had longed for a baby for many years.
5 years ago I was beginning to think like a desperate woman. Desperate to have another baby. I knew these desperate thoughts. I'd had them all before. 8 years before.
5 years ago there was a woman recovering from delivering a 6 pound 2 ounce beautiful baby boy.
5 years ago my womb was closed and I was aching for a baby.
5 years ago our family didn't know that what we were missing had already been brought into this world by God.
Today I am amazed that God chose us to be his family.
Little I, we can't believe you are 5!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010
Thankful Thursday
OK, I'm a day late, but I'm thankful for so many things this week. I don't want to miss a chance to count the blessings from God.
So, here are in random order my list of things I'm thankful for this week (drum roll, please)....
1. Little I!!! We celebrated his 5th birthday with family & his friends. He had a Pink Olympics birthday party. He got it in his mind during the Winter Olympics that he needed to have a Pink Olympics party & I did not let him down. I am in awe at the work God has done in his sweet little life & brain. TRULY a miracle that he is learning to read & doing everything else a 5-year old should be doing. Thank you, Lord!
2. Cowboy made it home safely from a business trip last week. His job is such a blessing. I love that he gets paid to minister to his company's employees. There are a couple of employees that he's had a part in their coming to know Christ who will be baptized this weekend. AWESOME!!!
3. I got to video (from the ground) my Dad ride a B17 on my birthday, which also happens to be D-Day. A HUGE thing for him!!! His dad was in WWII and he has a great love for the planes, tanks, and people who served in this war. What a wonderful way to spend my birthday afternoon!
4. I'm only a few days from completing this 14-day cleanse! I am thankful that when it's done I will be able to get a Coke Zero. (Yes, I'm ready to start junking up my body again, apparently.)
5. All of Miss B's funds are raised for her mission trip this summer. Cowboy & I are so excited that she'll be going with a well-known mission organization (YWAM) and that God is preparing our hearts and hers for what she'll experience.
6. Coupons! I'm becoming a bit of an addict! I LOVE saving money for our family.
7. A great evening with 2 of my friends from high school & college. We haven't gotten together in several years & we had a great time talking about our families and our lives.
So, here are in random order my list of things I'm thankful for this week (drum roll, please)....
1. Little I!!! We celebrated his 5th birthday with family & his friends. He had a Pink Olympics birthday party. He got it in his mind during the Winter Olympics that he needed to have a Pink Olympics party & I did not let him down. I am in awe at the work God has done in his sweet little life & brain. TRULY a miracle that he is learning to read & doing everything else a 5-year old should be doing. Thank you, Lord!
2. Cowboy made it home safely from a business trip last week. His job is such a blessing. I love that he gets paid to minister to his company's employees. There are a couple of employees that he's had a part in their coming to know Christ who will be baptized this weekend. AWESOME!!!
3. I got to video (from the ground) my Dad ride a B17 on my birthday, which also happens to be D-Day. A HUGE thing for him!!! His dad was in WWII and he has a great love for the planes, tanks, and people who served in this war. What a wonderful way to spend my birthday afternoon!
4. I'm only a few days from completing this 14-day cleanse! I am thankful that when it's done I will be able to get a Coke Zero. (Yes, I'm ready to start junking up my body again, apparently.)
5. All of Miss B's funds are raised for her mission trip this summer. Cowboy & I are so excited that she'll be going with a well-known mission organization (YWAM) and that God is preparing our hearts and hers for what she'll experience.
6. Coupons! I'm becoming a bit of an addict! I LOVE saving money for our family.
7. A great evening with 2 of my friends from high school & college. We haven't gotten together in several years & we had a great time talking about our families and our lives.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Here's my list for this week, in random order because my life is full of random order:
1. I'm thankful that today, unlike the last who knows how many Thursdays, we only have 1 therapy appointment & no tumbling!!!
2. I'm thankful that we had an amazing Memorial Day Weekend with my parents and my sisters' families on Family Vacation. SO MUCH FUN!!!
3. I'm thankful that mine & Cowboy's immediate families are all serving God.
4. I'm thankful that I have a husband who challenges me spiritually to be the person God desires me to be (& that he now has me reading Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt).
5. I'm thankful for a 13-year old daughter who thanks me for checking her texts.
6. I'm thankful for several new windows in our home. (& looking forward to not having frost form on the insides of the 6' x 6' windows this next winter & hoping the amount of dust our home has will decrease & hoping the west side of our home will not be so warm when the afternoon sun is pouring in)
7. I'm thankful for an amazing time of bonding with NoBo over the weekend. Totally unexpected. A true gift from God.
8. I'm thankful for friends who encourage me through tough times.
9. I'm thankful that NoBo gained a couple ounces in between his last 2 visits with his GI specialist.
10. I'm super-dee-duper thankful that NoBo doesn't have to see the psychologist every single week for his eating issues anymore. (Yes, he still has eating issures, but we're on the right path).
11. And last, but not least, I'm thankful for my Mom. She turned 60 while we were on Family Vacation. While most women dread this birthday, God has given my mom a refreshing, embracing perspective. She's thrilled to have her sight, which at one point this past year she thought she might lose.
1. I'm thankful that today, unlike the last who knows how many Thursdays, we only have 1 therapy appointment & no tumbling!!!
2. I'm thankful that we had an amazing Memorial Day Weekend with my parents and my sisters' families on Family Vacation. SO MUCH FUN!!!
3. I'm thankful that mine & Cowboy's immediate families are all serving God.
4. I'm thankful that I have a husband who challenges me spiritually to be the person God desires me to be (& that he now has me reading Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt).
5. I'm thankful for a 13-year old daughter who thanks me for checking her texts.
6. I'm thankful for several new windows in our home. (& looking forward to not having frost form on the insides of the 6' x 6' windows this next winter & hoping the amount of dust our home has will decrease & hoping the west side of our home will not be so warm when the afternoon sun is pouring in)
7. I'm thankful for an amazing time of bonding with NoBo over the weekend. Totally unexpected. A true gift from God.
8. I'm thankful for friends who encourage me through tough times.
9. I'm thankful that NoBo gained a couple ounces in between his last 2 visits with his GI specialist.
10. I'm super-dee-duper thankful that NoBo doesn't have to see the psychologist every single week for his eating issues anymore. (Yes, he still has eating issures, but we're on the right path).
11. And last, but not least, I'm thankful for my Mom. She turned 60 while we were on Family Vacation. While most women dread this birthday, God has given my mom a refreshing, embracing perspective. She's thrilled to have her sight, which at one point this past year she thought she might lose.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Black & White
I am a rule follower. A black and white person. An all or nothing person.
For the last...who knows how long...I've been completely undisciplined with my eating.
Until yesterday. I started a 14-day burn & cleanse program.
I'm basically starving to death.
But I'm a rule follower & I will NOT cheat! I will look better, feel better, & be healthier when it's all said and done.
Until then I'm praying regularly that my habits change & I seek my Heavenly Father before chocolate or other comfort food during times of stress, exhaustion, & overwhelmedness.
I'm also praying that I'll make it through each and every one of these 800 calorie days!
For the last...who knows how long...I've been completely undisciplined with my eating.
Until yesterday. I started a 14-day burn & cleanse program.
I'm basically starving to death.
But I'm a rule follower & I will NOT cheat! I will look better, feel better, & be healthier when it's all said and done.
Until then I'm praying regularly that my habits change & I seek my Heavenly Father before chocolate or other comfort food during times of stress, exhaustion, & overwhelmedness.
I'm also praying that I'll make it through each and every one of these 800 calorie days!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thirteen Years Ago Today

13 years ago today I went into the hospital to have my labor induced (for the second time).
13 years ago today I spent some time "drunk" on Stadol. (This was the first & only time in my life for me to be "drunk" & it made me SO glad that I had never actually been drunk. It's HORRIBLE to forget how to swallow. LITERALLY forget how to swallow.)
13 years ago today I pushed for HOURS (no exaggeration--HOURS) while in labor.
13 years ago today I welcomed into my world Miss B. She was beautiful from the beginning. OK, maybe a bit cone-headed, but that didn't last for long.
13 years ago today my life was forever changed. I wouldn't change anything about being the mom to some of the most amazing munchkins on earth. And I wouldn't change doing this awesome life with Cowboy.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thankful Thursday
OK, so it's been over a month since I've posted. I've been thankful for many things over these past weeks, but I've mostly been so bogged down by life that I haven't taken the time to blog.
I'm back at it today with my list, in random order because my life is full of random order:
This week I'm thankful for...
1. Antibiotics that got rid of strep throat in me & Cowboy.
2. Little Bit, who we've had a lot lately.
3. My first-ever "Precepts" Bible Study. I've wanted to do one for years & am LOVING it! (It's perfect for nerdy people like me).
4. Coupons!!! I am trying to be more careful with our budget & I'm learning to get things free or close to free, thanks to The Coupon Junkie. (
5. Samples!!! I LOVE getting things in my mailbox that aren't bills. And they always come with COUPONS!
6. My sweet friend Deanna who came over last week & offered encouraging words to me & spoke my love language. She cleaned my kitchen for me after we had lunch with all the munchkins.
7. All of our munchkins NOT getting strep! Praise God!!!
8. Tootsie Rolls! They are the perfect prize for munchkins who stay in their beds all night. It's the first thing I've found that WORKS! The little ones are thrilled to come to me & get their candy each morning.
9. No hail damage at our house after a week of storms in our state.
I'm back at it today with my list, in random order because my life is full of random order:
This week I'm thankful for...
1. Antibiotics that got rid of strep throat in me & Cowboy.
2. Little Bit, who we've had a lot lately.
3. My first-ever "Precepts" Bible Study. I've wanted to do one for years & am LOVING it! (It's perfect for nerdy people like me).
4. Coupons!!! I am trying to be more careful with our budget & I'm learning to get things free or close to free, thanks to The Coupon Junkie. (
5. Samples!!! I LOVE getting things in my mailbox that aren't bills. And they always come with COUPONS!
6. My sweet friend Deanna who came over last week & offered encouraging words to me & spoke my love language. She cleaned my kitchen for me after we had lunch with all the munchkins.
7. All of our munchkins NOT getting strep! Praise God!!!
8. Tootsie Rolls! They are the perfect prize for munchkins who stay in their beds all night. It's the first thing I've found that WORKS! The little ones are thrilled to come to me & get their candy each morning.
9. No hail damage at our house after a week of storms in our state.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thankful Thursday's the list for this week in random order because my life is full of random order:
1. I'm thankful for a husband who is not demanding.
2. I'm thankful for a son who's physically able to do so many push ups this week. Go, C-Man!!!
3. I'm thankful for my savior dying for my sins. What an amazing gift for a sinner like me!
4. I'm thankful that Jesus not only died, but he conquered death!
5. I'm thankful for fun on the trampoline in the beautiful sunshine.
6. I'm thankful for Little I's memory. I'm constantly amazed by it. (Truly a miracle if you've seen the medical reports of the day he was removed from his bio mom's care).
7. I'm thankful for Miss B's sweet attitude.
8. I'm thankful for a chance to go "real" grocery shopping. (Maybe I'll avoid a few more little grocery runs).
1. I'm thankful for a husband who is not demanding.
2. I'm thankful for a son who's physically able to do so many push ups this week. Go, C-Man!!!
3. I'm thankful for my savior dying for my sins. What an amazing gift for a sinner like me!
4. I'm thankful that Jesus not only died, but he conquered death!
5. I'm thankful for fun on the trampoline in the beautiful sunshine.
6. I'm thankful for Little I's memory. I'm constantly amazed by it. (Truly a miracle if you've seen the medical reports of the day he was removed from his bio mom's care).
7. I'm thankful for Miss B's sweet attitude.
8. I'm thankful for a chance to go "real" grocery shopping. (Maybe I'll avoid a few more little grocery runs).
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Because I've been a foster parent for a few years now, I've had plenty of time in juvenile courtrooms in my state.
LOTS of good people watching! I have seen some hysterical things (people swearing up and down they're not high come back into the courtroom a bit later with a failed test). Some bizarre things (an older gentleman have a seizure, EMT's came in, and the judge continued to hold court). Some things that make me downright angry (parents who are idiots and don't take care of their kids)!
The absolute saddest things I've seen are parents relinquishing their parental rights.
Let me clarify--I was not in court the day that Little I's biological mother (BM, as we refer to her) relinquished her rights. There was nothing sad at all about that to me on that day. I cried tears of pure joy when Cowboy called to give me the news. However, I feel sad for her when I think of her. I pray for her. I worry about her life. I want her to know God and spend eternity with us and live out His purpose for her here on earth.
Back to the sad stuff...
Yesterday I went to court for NoBo's case. His mom, who we love, relinquished her parental rights. I cried with her. It's a happy-sad kind of thing. We're thrilled we'll most likely get to love on NoBo for his whole life, but we're sad for his sweet mom.
LOTS of good people watching! I have seen some hysterical things (people swearing up and down they're not high come back into the courtroom a bit later with a failed test). Some bizarre things (an older gentleman have a seizure, EMT's came in, and the judge continued to hold court). Some things that make me downright angry (parents who are idiots and don't take care of their kids)!
The absolute saddest things I've seen are parents relinquishing their parental rights.
Let me clarify--I was not in court the day that Little I's biological mother (BM, as we refer to her) relinquished her rights. There was nothing sad at all about that to me on that day. I cried tears of pure joy when Cowboy called to give me the news. However, I feel sad for her when I think of her. I pray for her. I worry about her life. I want her to know God and spend eternity with us and live out His purpose for her here on earth.
Back to the sad stuff...
Yesterday I went to court for NoBo's case. His mom, who we love, relinquished her parental rights. I cried with her. It's a happy-sad kind of thing. We're thrilled we'll most likely get to love on NoBo for his whole life, but we're sad for his sweet mom.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Here's this week's list, in random order...because my life is full of random order.
1. A fun time with some of our college friends, who were in town with their sweet kids for a Spring Break getaway. We also had my sweet sis-in-law and sister twin (brother-in-law & brother twin at home because brother twin had strep throat--boo!) over. We all had a great time. I love it when Cowboy gets together with this particular friend of ours because their conversations go from sports, books, music, spiritual matters, etc. Much deeper than most man-to-man conversations, which seem to be mostly about sports, jobs, and weather.
2. Haircuts for me, C-Man, & Miss B (& eye brow waxing for me & Miss B).
3. A great time with C-Man's two good friends & their moms (my dear friends) at Barnes & Noble. We all went thinking we were buying the boys the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book and left after we had each purchased some stupid Pokemon book. The boys were thrilled, the moms were disgusted that we spent money on those books!!!
4. Cowboy's dad's 67th birthday celebration! We're SO glad that his bout with cancer last year is behind us and his retirement (2nd retirement, that is) is in the near future. We can't wait for him to be able to golf as often as he wants!
5. My parents, for having all the "big" grandkids over for a St. Patrick's Day party. Mom knows how to party and Dad goes along with it all quite nicely. Green food, green clothes, giveaways, games, and bad Irish jokes!!! I can't wait until Cowboy & I get to be the fun grandparents. (I know, it's many years away.)
6. Sam's Club.
7. The opportunity for Little Bit to come spend a couple nights with us. (Just don't ask how our 1 1/2 hour appointment went. I had both 2-year olds and the 4-year old with me. It took over 30 minutes to get to the appointment, then the fun began. Did I mention it was in the afternoon, when ALL three of them needed a nap desperately?) I'm so grateful Little Bit's mom allows us to stay involved in her life.
8. Handbells. I haven't played in years, and am playing with our church's handbell choir for Easter. I practiced for the first time this week. At first I was AWFUL! But by the end of the practice, it was coming back to me. I've always loved handbells. Cowboy & I had handbells at our wedding. SO beautiful.
1. A fun time with some of our college friends, who were in town with their sweet kids for a Spring Break getaway. We also had my sweet sis-in-law and sister twin (brother-in-law & brother twin at home because brother twin had strep throat--boo!) over. We all had a great time. I love it when Cowboy gets together with this particular friend of ours because their conversations go from sports, books, music, spiritual matters, etc. Much deeper than most man-to-man conversations, which seem to be mostly about sports, jobs, and weather.
2. Haircuts for me, C-Man, & Miss B (& eye brow waxing for me & Miss B).
3. A great time with C-Man's two good friends & their moms (my dear friends) at Barnes & Noble. We all went thinking we were buying the boys the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book and left after we had each purchased some stupid Pokemon book. The boys were thrilled, the moms were disgusted that we spent money on those books!!!
4. Cowboy's dad's 67th birthday celebration! We're SO glad that his bout with cancer last year is behind us and his retirement (2nd retirement, that is) is in the near future. We can't wait for him to be able to golf as often as he wants!
5. My parents, for having all the "big" grandkids over for a St. Patrick's Day party. Mom knows how to party and Dad goes along with it all quite nicely. Green food, green clothes, giveaways, games, and bad Irish jokes!!! I can't wait until Cowboy & I get to be the fun grandparents. (I know, it's many years away.)
6. Sam's Club.
7. The opportunity for Little Bit to come spend a couple nights with us. (Just don't ask how our 1 1/2 hour appointment went. I had both 2-year olds and the 4-year old with me. It took over 30 minutes to get to the appointment, then the fun began. Did I mention it was in the afternoon, when ALL three of them needed a nap desperately?) I'm so grateful Little Bit's mom allows us to stay involved in her life.
8. Handbells. I haven't played in years, and am playing with our church's handbell choir for Easter. I practiced for the first time this week. At first I was AWFUL! But by the end of the practice, it was coming back to me. I've always loved handbells. Cowboy & I had handbells at our wedding. SO beautiful.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I Rely on Cowboy TOO Much!
I know I'm super-spoiled. Cowboy understands that my love language is Acts of Service and just jumps in to do whatever he can to lighten my load. He is so selfless about it that I just take it for granted.
This morning, after not enough sleep from the time change and a family movie night last night, I was tired! Cowboy got up and took Miss B to a swim meet. I woke up in time to get myself ready, but misjudged how long it would take to get 3 sleepy boys up and ready for church. (He usually gets the little ones dressed for church while I get ready).
We are NEVER late for church because Cowboy plays bass guitar and we always have to be there early. Besides, we drill it in our kids' heads that it is stealing to be late. We try very hard to make it a priority NOT to steal peoples' time.
This morning...we were late to church.
Not the end of the world...
Unless the ladies' group from your church is surprising you with a missions award.
I was SO embarrassed!
First of all, I didn't deserve this recognition. I could name TONS of people (pretty much every member of the church) who deserved this honor before me. I continue to feel like serving God's people needs to be a much bigger part of my life and I admire SO many people in my church who do a better job of that than me.
Secondly, I WAS LATE!!! I could not believe I had to be hunted down in the kids' area, while checking in kiddos to their classes, and lied to about someone needing me so that I would quickly get myself to the sanctuary.
Things I want to change after today:
1. Function better without the help of my sweet man.
2. Serve God and His people more fully every day in every way.
This morning, after not enough sleep from the time change and a family movie night last night, I was tired! Cowboy got up and took Miss B to a swim meet. I woke up in time to get myself ready, but misjudged how long it would take to get 3 sleepy boys up and ready for church. (He usually gets the little ones dressed for church while I get ready).
We are NEVER late for church because Cowboy plays bass guitar and we always have to be there early. Besides, we drill it in our kids' heads that it is stealing to be late. We try very hard to make it a priority NOT to steal peoples' time.
This morning...we were late to church.
Not the end of the world...
Unless the ladies' group from your church is surprising you with a missions award.
I was SO embarrassed!
First of all, I didn't deserve this recognition. I could name TONS of people (pretty much every member of the church) who deserved this honor before me. I continue to feel like serving God's people needs to be a much bigger part of my life and I admire SO many people in my church who do a better job of that than me.
Secondly, I WAS LATE!!! I could not believe I had to be hunted down in the kids' area, while checking in kiddos to their classes, and lied to about someone needing me so that I would quickly get myself to the sanctuary.
Things I want to change after today:
1. Function better without the help of my sweet man.
2. Serve God and His people more fully every day in every way.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Banana Puddin'
Last weekend our family got together with my friend Cottagebaker and her family. We always have a great time with them. She's a fabulous cook and made the most delicious potato salad. I'll post the recipe on here when she gets it to me (hint, hint). I made banana pudding for dessert. It's so easy, but yummy!
Cowboy's dad's birthday is today and I found myself in the kitchen again with Martha (my Kitchenaid) whipping up some nana puddin'. I thought I'd share my recipe with you.
Banana Puddin'
1 can Eagle Brand milk (I use the fat-free version)
1 box vanilla instant pudding
1 box vanilla wafers (reduced fat, of course)
2 (8-oz.) cartons Cool Whip (light)
2 c. milk (skim)
a few bananas (naturally fat-free HAHA! I just had to add that!)
Mix Eagle Brand milk, 1 carton Cool Whip, and pudding together. Pour in milk and beat until well blended. Pour over wafers and sliced bananas in layers. Chill 1-2 hours. Reserve the second carton of Cool Whip to dallop on the individual servings of pudding.
Can you tell by this recipe that I LOVE COWBOY???? I do my best in the kitchen to make everything a little less bad for his cholesterol.
By the way, can I just say that just because a person is a Chaplain does not mean he is mature?
Just before we left Cottagebaker's home last weekend, the laughter among all the kids was overpowering. They were giggling at something they were reading from the Bible. I should've known better, but I asked what was so funny. Apparently Cowboy had shown them Deuteronomy 25:11.
Let's just say I'm glad we are good friends with Cottagebaker's family.
Have fun searching in God's Word!!!
Cowboy's dad's birthday is today and I found myself in the kitchen again with Martha (my Kitchenaid) whipping up some nana puddin'. I thought I'd share my recipe with you.
Banana Puddin'
1 can Eagle Brand milk (I use the fat-free version)
1 box vanilla instant pudding
1 box vanilla wafers (reduced fat, of course)
2 (8-oz.) cartons Cool Whip (light)
2 c. milk (skim)
a few bananas (naturally fat-free HAHA! I just had to add that!)
Mix Eagle Brand milk, 1 carton Cool Whip, and pudding together. Pour in milk and beat until well blended. Pour over wafers and sliced bananas in layers. Chill 1-2 hours. Reserve the second carton of Cool Whip to dallop on the individual servings of pudding.
Can you tell by this recipe that I LOVE COWBOY???? I do my best in the kitchen to make everything a little less bad for his cholesterol.
By the way, can I just say that just because a person is a Chaplain does not mean he is mature?
Just before we left Cottagebaker's home last weekend, the laughter among all the kids was overpowering. They were giggling at something they were reading from the Bible. I should've known better, but I asked what was so funny. Apparently Cowboy had shown them Deuteronomy 25:11.
Let's just say I'm glad we are good friends with Cottagebaker's family.
Have fun searching in God's Word!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
I'm Clearly Not "The Smart One" Anymore
OK, so you know how in families the different children tend to get labeled? Intentionally or unintentionally, it happens.
So, what was my label? I was "The Smart One". My sisters were musical and creative and I was "The Smart One". If you want a good piano teacher, don't look to me. If you want a great haircut, don't look to me. However, I have sisters who are amazing at those things. If you want to know how to use the Pythagorean Theorem to figure out how much cable to purchase for a certain situation, I'm your girl.
Or, I used to be your girl. However, everyday I feel like my knowledge base is shrinking. Is that possible?
Maybe not, but my memory is HORRIBLE and it makes me feel like I know NOTHING!
I recently played a game with a group of women where you had to say what movie character you were most like. I said I was like the girl from 50 First Dates. (She's the one who lost her short-term memory due to a car accident). I have NO idea what her name was in the movie (that would require a memory), so I just called her "the girl from 50 First Dates".
Tonight at Bunco something came up and I showed off my lack of memory. I said, "Remember, I'm Dory from Finding Nemo." My partner for that round said, "No, you weren't. I was."
I said, "Oh yeah, that's right. I was the girl from 50 First Dates."
'Nough Said
So, what was my label? I was "The Smart One". My sisters were musical and creative and I was "The Smart One". If you want a good piano teacher, don't look to me. If you want a great haircut, don't look to me. However, I have sisters who are amazing at those things. If you want to know how to use the Pythagorean Theorem to figure out how much cable to purchase for a certain situation, I'm your girl.
Or, I used to be your girl. However, everyday I feel like my knowledge base is shrinking. Is that possible?
Maybe not, but my memory is HORRIBLE and it makes me feel like I know NOTHING!
I recently played a game with a group of women where you had to say what movie character you were most like. I said I was like the girl from 50 First Dates. (She's the one who lost her short-term memory due to a car accident). I have NO idea what her name was in the movie (that would require a memory), so I just called her "the girl from 50 First Dates".
Tonight at Bunco something came up and I showed off my lack of memory. I said, "Remember, I'm Dory from Finding Nemo." My partner for that round said, "No, you weren't. I was."
I said, "Oh yeah, that's right. I was the girl from 50 First Dates."
'Nough Said
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Here are the things I am thankful for this week, in random order, because my life is full of random order...
1. New checks that arrived today--I had run completely out!!!
2. A renewed desire to live more simply. Cowboy LOVES reading Francis Chan's books and listening to his podcasts. He & his family are truly amazing. He & his wife moved into a 1000 square feet home with their 5 kids so that they could use their money to make eternal differences. I'm not looking for a smaller home (mine's not very big), but I am thinking about the excess we have in our home and lives.
3. An amazing weekend with my co-op friends rediscovering God's abundant love for us.
4. An experience of a lifetime this morning with Cowboy and our two big kids. We had the opportunity to go to a private viewing of some amazing Bible artifacts. I'm talking pieces of Dead Sea Scrolls, cuneiform clay tablets, papyrus writings, old scrolls of the Torah. AMAZING stuff!!! We were even able to touch the stuff, although we chose mostly not to-it just didn't seem right.
5. A sweet picture message this morning on my phone from Little Bit. She told me she loved me. I miss her. :( Hopefully she can come spend some time with us this weekend.
6. That Miss B is healthy. She had an awful bout with strep this past weekend.
7. For Narnia books. C-Man and I have had the BEST time this year reading through all of them. We've had some amazing spiritual discussions thanks to C.S. Lewis's books.
Counting my blessings
1. New checks that arrived today--I had run completely out!!!
2. A renewed desire to live more simply. Cowboy LOVES reading Francis Chan's books and listening to his podcasts. He & his family are truly amazing. He & his wife moved into a 1000 square feet home with their 5 kids so that they could use their money to make eternal differences. I'm not looking for a smaller home (mine's not very big), but I am thinking about the excess we have in our home and lives.
3. An amazing weekend with my co-op friends rediscovering God's abundant love for us.
4. An experience of a lifetime this morning with Cowboy and our two big kids. We had the opportunity to go to a private viewing of some amazing Bible artifacts. I'm talking pieces of Dead Sea Scrolls, cuneiform clay tablets, papyrus writings, old scrolls of the Torah. AMAZING stuff!!! We were even able to touch the stuff, although we chose mostly not to-it just didn't seem right.
5. A sweet picture message this morning on my phone from Little Bit. She told me she loved me. I miss her. :( Hopefully she can come spend some time with us this weekend.
6. That Miss B is healthy. She had an awful bout with strep this past weekend.
7. For Narnia books. C-Man and I have had the BEST time this year reading through all of them. We've had some amazing spiritual discussions thanks to C.S. Lewis's books.
Counting my blessings
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Here's my list for the week in random order, because my life is full of random order.
I am thankful...
1. for Cowboy, my one and only Valentine.
2. that I get to go on a Beth Moore retreat this weekend with some dear homeschool moms.
3. that my parents have gone to Mexico & back in the past week & are safely across the street, where they belong.
4. that my in-laws celebrated their 42nd anniversary. What a great example of love they are!
5. for the Olympics. I do have to be careful not to become an Olympic junkie, though. :)
6. that I get to hear what message God has given Cowboy for our congregation this Sunday. This is his second time to fill-in when our pastor is gone and I'm excited to hear what God has to say about Relationships On Purpose.
7. for a well family.
8. for TobyMac's new album. Give me that funky Jesus music!
9. for a great appointment with NoBo's psychologist.
10. that, although I didn't have Bible Study this past week, I did have Bunco. I LOVE girl time.
Counting my blessings
I am thankful...
1. for Cowboy, my one and only Valentine.
2. that I get to go on a Beth Moore retreat this weekend with some dear homeschool moms.
3. that my parents have gone to Mexico & back in the past week & are safely across the street, where they belong.
4. that my in-laws celebrated their 42nd anniversary. What a great example of love they are!
5. for the Olympics. I do have to be careful not to become an Olympic junkie, though. :)
6. that I get to hear what message God has given Cowboy for our congregation this Sunday. This is his second time to fill-in when our pastor is gone and I'm excited to hear what God has to say about Relationships On Purpose.
7. for a well family.
8. for TobyMac's new album. Give me that funky Jesus music!
9. for a great appointment with NoBo's psychologist.
10. that, although I didn't have Bible Study this past week, I did have Bunco. I LOVE girl time.
Counting my blessings
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Thankful Thursday
Here are the things I'm thankful for this week, in random order, because my life is full of random order.
1. I'm thankful for a relaxing week without the workload from our homeschool co-op, because it was canceled due to yucky roads this week.
2. I'm thankful for Christian counselors, who can help our family members work through some rough spots in life with Godly wisdom.
3. I'm thankful for my mother-in-law, who took the 3 oldest kids to lunch today.
4. I'm thankful for having a day that my kids and I could spend with Miss Musicality, my sister. Our kids had such a great time together. They hadn't been able to hang out with one another since Christmas. I love that my kids are close to their cousins.
5. I'm thankful that Little Bit came home this evening, after being back with her mom for a week. We sure missed that girl!
6. I'm thankful that I was able to take Miss B to a movie on Sunday afternoon. We don't do this often, so it was a treat.
7. I'm thankful for hot cocoa.
8. I'm thankful that I was re-acquainted with the gym this past week. Oh, elliptical trainer, how I had missed you!
9. I'm thankful that my sweet niece, who is 3 1/2, asked Jesus in her heart this past week!!!! It doesn't get any better than that.
Counting my blessings!
Now that I have said that, I have this song stuck in my head...
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your blessings
See what God has done
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your many blessings
See what God has done
1. I'm thankful for a relaxing week without the workload from our homeschool co-op, because it was canceled due to yucky roads this week.
2. I'm thankful for Christian counselors, who can help our family members work through some rough spots in life with Godly wisdom.
3. I'm thankful for my mother-in-law, who took the 3 oldest kids to lunch today.
4. I'm thankful for having a day that my kids and I could spend with Miss Musicality, my sister. Our kids had such a great time together. They hadn't been able to hang out with one another since Christmas. I love that my kids are close to their cousins.
5. I'm thankful that Little Bit came home this evening, after being back with her mom for a week. We sure missed that girl!
6. I'm thankful that I was able to take Miss B to a movie on Sunday afternoon. We don't do this often, so it was a treat.
7. I'm thankful for hot cocoa.
8. I'm thankful that I was re-acquainted with the gym this past week. Oh, elliptical trainer, how I had missed you!
9. I'm thankful that my sweet niece, who is 3 1/2, asked Jesus in her heart this past week!!!! It doesn't get any better than that.
Counting my blessings!
Now that I have said that, I have this song stuck in my head...
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your blessings
See what God has done
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your many blessings
See what God has done
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Groundhog Day Fun
Little I woke me up this morning saying, "It's Groundhog Day, so get up."
Not wanting to disappoint my four-year old, I decided to make a dessert for this undercelebrated holiday.
Punxsutawney Phil, brownie style
I'm sure you know by now, but our furry friend said there will be 6 more weeks of winter.
6 more weeks of....
doing the centipede in the snow
6 more weeks of...
having snowball fights
6 more weeks of...
making snow angels while getting some extra use out of a swim parka
6 more weeks of...
watching big brothers and big sister play in the snow
6 more weeks of...
trying to figure out what kind of wildlife is leaving tracks on our front walk and driveway
If the next 6 weeks would actually be like the last week we've had, our family would be thrilled! WE LOVE THE SNOW!!!
Not wanting to disappoint my four-year old, I decided to make a dessert for this undercelebrated holiday.

I'm sure you know by now, but our furry friend said there will be 6 more weeks of winter.
6 more weeks of....

6 more weeks of...

6 more weeks of...

6 more weeks of...

6 more weeks of...

If the next 6 weeks would actually be like the last week we've had, our family would be thrilled! WE LOVE THE SNOW!!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Come On Down
Today we're having a relaxed day at home, thanks to the ice/snow storm. We did not lose power and I'm loosening the reins a bit on our TV viewing. After Sesame Street, I changed the station to our local CBS station to see what the weather was doing and The Price is Right was on. C-Man asked me to leave it on since the current contestant shared his first name.
Every time I watch this show a flood of memories/emotions comes over me.
When I was quite young I used to spend a great amount of time with my Aunt Lula. She was my great-aunt who lived in the town where I grew up. She never had children of her own, but treated me and my sisters like granddaughters. We LOVED our time with her.
For some odd reason every time I was with her I developed a bad cough. OK, it was really because she ALWAYS had Luden's Wild Cherry Throat Drops with her & they're delicious. When I was at her house, daytime TV was always on. We watched Bob Barker together. She also watched her soaps. I don't remember which soaps she watched, but I can still hear the dramatic theme music. She colored with me and taught me how to color in circles so that you don't get those awful lines on your masterpiece.
Bob Barker was also a staple at my home when I stayed home from school because I was sick or tired. Yes, my mom was nice enough to let me stay home when I was tired. I have suffered from anemia off and on throughout my life, which can really drain you. So, during those restful days at home I would do my best to win all the prizes that Bob's Beauties were displaying.
So I guess I'm hoping that by allowing my kids to watch The Price is Right, they'll eventually remember that not every day was filled with me barking out orders about getting school work completed and bedrooms cleaned. (By the way, I am asking God daily to help me not bark out orders so much, but I'm a work in progress).
Well, they've called the last contestant for the day ("Come on down, you're the next contestant on The Price is Right") so I guess I should get down off of this bar stool and make some real memories with my kids.
Every time I watch this show a flood of memories/emotions comes over me.
When I was quite young I used to spend a great amount of time with my Aunt Lula. She was my great-aunt who lived in the town where I grew up. She never had children of her own, but treated me and my sisters like granddaughters. We LOVED our time with her.
For some odd reason every time I was with her I developed a bad cough. OK, it was really because she ALWAYS had Luden's Wild Cherry Throat Drops with her & they're delicious. When I was at her house, daytime TV was always on. We watched Bob Barker together. She also watched her soaps. I don't remember which soaps she watched, but I can still hear the dramatic theme music. She colored with me and taught me how to color in circles so that you don't get those awful lines on your masterpiece.
Bob Barker was also a staple at my home when I stayed home from school because I was sick or tired. Yes, my mom was nice enough to let me stay home when I was tired. I have suffered from anemia off and on throughout my life, which can really drain you. So, during those restful days at home I would do my best to win all the prizes that Bob's Beauties were displaying.
So I guess I'm hoping that by allowing my kids to watch The Price is Right, they'll eventually remember that not every day was filled with me barking out orders about getting school work completed and bedrooms cleaned. (By the way, I am asking God daily to help me not bark out orders so much, but I'm a work in progress).
Well, they've called the last contestant for the day ("Come on down, you're the next contestant on The Price is Right") so I guess I should get down off of this bar stool and make some real memories with my kids.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Thankful Thursday
I'm posting a couple hours early because of an impending ice storm. If it's anything like what the meteorologists say it will be, our neighborhood will probably lose power. We always seem to lose power.
So, here are the things I'm thankful for this week, in random order because my life is full of random order.
1. I'm thankful that there are so many little ones in my home that the little ones' bathroom mirror looked like it belonged behind crime scene tape yesterday, before I attacked it with some Windex.
2. I'm thankful that Conan's last week is over so that Cowboy & I don't feel like we have to stay up late every night to see what mayhem is going down. OK, let me clarify. I may have felt like I should've stayed up late, but in all honesty I fell asleep on the couch almost every night.
3. I'm thankful that NoBo's tubes in his ears are doing their job and that his hearing has improved.
4. I'm thankful for friends who came over for dinner over the weekend. We haven't had non-family company in SO long that it was peaceful (although there 14 kids at our house) to just hang out with friends.
5. I'm thankful for the purchase Cowboy made to prepare us for the potential ice storm we'll have tomorrow. We are now the proud owners of a generator. Power outages will no longer leave us in the dark!
6. I'm thankful for the doctor who discovered the problems in my mom's eyes. Both eyes have been repaired (for now) and her sight is saved.
7. I'm thankful for C-Man's new dermatologist, who prescribed the most amazing medicine for his warts. These pesky annoyances are finally shrinking. After painful treatment from another dermatologist over a year ago that didn't work, we're finally making progress.
Continuing to count my blessings!
So, here are the things I'm thankful for this week, in random order because my life is full of random order.
1. I'm thankful that there are so many little ones in my home that the little ones' bathroom mirror looked like it belonged behind crime scene tape yesterday, before I attacked it with some Windex.
2. I'm thankful that Conan's last week is over so that Cowboy & I don't feel like we have to stay up late every night to see what mayhem is going down. OK, let me clarify. I may have felt like I should've stayed up late, but in all honesty I fell asleep on the couch almost every night.
3. I'm thankful that NoBo's tubes in his ears are doing their job and that his hearing has improved.
4. I'm thankful for friends who came over for dinner over the weekend. We haven't had non-family company in SO long that it was peaceful (although there 14 kids at our house) to just hang out with friends.
5. I'm thankful for the purchase Cowboy made to prepare us for the potential ice storm we'll have tomorrow. We are now the proud owners of a generator. Power outages will no longer leave us in the dark!
6. I'm thankful for the doctor who discovered the problems in my mom's eyes. Both eyes have been repaired (for now) and her sight is saved.
7. I'm thankful for C-Man's new dermatologist, who prescribed the most amazing medicine for his warts. These pesky annoyances are finally shrinking. After painful treatment from another dermatologist over a year ago that didn't work, we're finally making progress.
Continuing to count my blessings!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thankful Thursday
So I've been reading a few blogs lately, but not posting. However, a couple of girls I used to do Bible Study with years ago both do "Thankful Thursday" posts, and I decided it might get me out of my non-blogging rut.
Here are the things I'm thankful for today, in no particular order.
1. The Bible Study I'm doing right now, Beth Moore's The Patriarchs.
2. Cowboy, who faithfully unloads the dishwasher every evening & picks up our daily tornado-stricken living room.
3. My mother-in-law, who took Little I to his dentist appointment today.
4. Living across the street from my parents. I was able to come home from grocery shopping this evening and walk across the street to check on Mom, who had eye surgery today.
5. My grandparents. They are each one of the two remaining children alive in both of their families. They each came from families with 13 children. I'm so glad they're still with us.
6. Grandpa's devotion to God. He was able to lead his only living brother to Christ within the last several months. That brother is now with Jesus and his life will be celebrated tomorrow as my Dad conducts his funeral.
7. NoBo. It's been just about a year since he came to our home. I'm grateful to be the one cleaning up his vomit today. Mom reminded me this evening that his little body probably wouldn't have survived living with his biological family.
8. Little Bit. She's been back with us for over 4 weeks now. We love her so much--even through her biting, pinching, scratching, hitting, and constant eating!!! We're grateful her mom has allowed us to remain a big part of her life.
Here are the things I'm thankful for today, in no particular order.
1. The Bible Study I'm doing right now, Beth Moore's The Patriarchs.
2. Cowboy, who faithfully unloads the dishwasher every evening & picks up our daily tornado-stricken living room.
3. My mother-in-law, who took Little I to his dentist appointment today.
4. Living across the street from my parents. I was able to come home from grocery shopping this evening and walk across the street to check on Mom, who had eye surgery today.
5. My grandparents. They are each one of the two remaining children alive in both of their families. They each came from families with 13 children. I'm so glad they're still with us.
6. Grandpa's devotion to God. He was able to lead his only living brother to Christ within the last several months. That brother is now with Jesus and his life will be celebrated tomorrow as my Dad conducts his funeral.
7. NoBo. It's been just about a year since he came to our home. I'm grateful to be the one cleaning up his vomit today. Mom reminded me this evening that his little body probably wouldn't have survived living with his biological family.
8. Little Bit. She's been back with us for over 4 weeks now. We love her so much--even through her biting, pinching, scratching, hitting, and constant eating!!! We're grateful her mom has allowed us to remain a big part of her life.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Sweet Kisses
I hate to admit this. Especially to those of you who've never been able to have children biologically. But, here it is anyway...
There are times when I still get sad that Cowboy & I were only able to have 2 children biologically.
At those times when I let myself "go there" and be sad, I pull myself up quickly by thinking about how gracious God has been to me and Cowboy to allow us to have this precious boy as our son.
Little I is so passionate. He brings such an abundance of joy to our home daily.
Last week he was kissing us all goodnight. He spent a few minutes kissing each of us all over our faces & necks. We were laughing hysterically and I continue to be amazed that God chose us to be Little I's family.
There are times when I still get sad that Cowboy & I were only able to have 2 children biologically.
At those times when I let myself "go there" and be sad, I pull myself up quickly by thinking about how gracious God has been to me and Cowboy to allow us to have this precious boy as our son.
Little I is so passionate. He brings such an abundance of joy to our home daily.
Last week he was kissing us all goodnight. He spent a few minutes kissing each of us all over our faces & necks. We were laughing hysterically and I continue to be amazed that God chose us to be Little I's family.
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