Wednesday, March 11, 2009

T-Shirt Contest

OK, so we've booked our Disney World vacation for September. When you book your trip with Disney they ask what you're celebrating. Cowboy told them we were celebrating an adoption.

With that in mind, I've been thinking we need to come up with some t-shirt ideas that would get us noticed (and given one of their dream giveaways--it doesn't hurt to aim high). So... I thought about having our 5 shirts say "We" "Are" "Celebrating" "the Adoption of" "Me". Anyway, I'm not so creative and need some help! Our vacation will be 9 nights/10 days so the more t-shirt ideas the better!!!

Please leave a comment, facebook, or email me with your ideas! The winner will receive a huge thank you from me!!! There are 5 of us going and the shirts do not have to be adoption-related.

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