Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ebony or Ivory Revisited

Our family was not God's choice for Ivory. Even though I just "knew" God wanted us to take her, I gave in to Cowboy's leadership in our home. It was not easy, but I believe God's Word and I believe Cowboy is the head honcho, main man, boss, decision maker in our home. So I listened to Cowboy when he said that this child was not for us. I nearly lost it when I thought Ivory was going to be placed in a shelter. God knew all along, though, that there was a family who already had a great relationship with Ivory who loved her and was ready to take on the task of raising her.
So what did I gain from this? I realize more than ever that there's a reason God placed the husband at the head of the household. They don't think with their emotions! They can think in terms of truths and facts and not what-ifs and feelings.
Thank you, God, for making me the emotional thinker that I am and thank you big-time that Cowboy is NOT an emotional thinker!

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